Remote Learning

At Prenton Primary School we use Google Classroom as our platform for remote learning in KS1 and KS2. F2 classes will use Class DoJo.

Google Classroom and Class DoJo are used to allow learners to access learning activities online. Also homework tasks can be posted.

Welcome to the Remote Learning page. We have set this up so that you will have access to curriculum resources, digital content and support from your teacher. We know that it’s difficult when you can’t come into school to do your work but we hope that there is plenty on this page that will help you to keep up your love of learning until you are well enough to come back to school.

Your Class DoJo or Google Classroom is the first place to check for online schoolwork. Once you’re on you’ll be able to see announcements from your teacher, access online quizzes and tasks, send a private message if you need any help and upload pictures of any work that you have completed so that your teacher can see it.

Home Reading

If you are off school for a long period of time, this can be a great chance for you to spend some time on your reading. If you are well enough, your teacher may post work for you to complete whilst you are unable to attend school due to illness.

You may have been given a selection of school reading books by your teacher but if you have any books at home that you would prefer to read then that is absolutely fine.

Please read to an adult as well as to yourself as this will give you the chance to check the meaning of any new vocabulary and to answer questions about what you have read.

Unfortunately, we won’t be able to send any new reading books home or collect in the books that you have finished reading so please keep hold of them and you can swap them once you are back in school.

Packs Of Work

If you don’t have a device to allow you to access the online tasks, you can phone up the school office to request a pack of work. You can work your way through these activities whilst you are at home.