Wirral FUSS & FUPS
(Free Uniform for Secondary and Primary School)
This is a reminder that our project, to make good quality pre-used school uniform available FREE and regardless of family circumstance, is still working throughout Wirral. Last month we responded to the 5000th request made by families since the project began in 2012!
We work through six local hubs including our Shop Hub in Birkenhead, and all the information you may need about opening times, making a request, contacting us, donating clothing and recycling, can be found on our website: www.wirralfuss.co.uk
If you need help with school uniform or want to take part in the scheme please contact us: wirralfuss@yahoo.co.uk or leave a message on 0151 632 6524
Please bear in mind that there is considerable demand for the uniform of some schools, and the project is entirely dependent on what is donated to us. We are also in need of volunteers to help during the summer, especially in our Birkenhead and Hoylake Hubs – if you are interested please contact us (as above) or click the volunteer button on our homepage: www.wirralfuss.co.uk.