School Lunches

Children have the option of a school meal, or bringing a packed lunch from home..
The Lunch Menu runs on a 3-week rota with a selection of delicious lunches to choose from each time.

Hot School Lunches

Hot school lunches are provided by Edsential at a cost of £3per day. Payment for Key Stage 2 must be made through ParentPay.

Children in Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free school meal.

Packed Lunches

Children can bring a packed lunch to school. Children may not bring in sweets or chocolate bars into school , as part of their packed lunch. (KS2 children may bring a piece of fruit for morning break.) We do ask that you do not send cans or glass bottles in the children’s lunch boxes.

We would politely request 1 week’s notice in writing for any children to change lunchtime arrangements.

Free School Meals

Please use the link below to apply for Free School Meals.

We would encourage parents to apply if they think their child might be eligible for a Free School Meal.  

The new online system allows parents to input their child's details in the system which will then complete a check for Free School Meal eligibility. 

Parents only have to apply once as the system will do fortnightly checks for any changes in circumstances.  

If you need any assistance completing the form, please contact the school office staff who will be able to help you.


Every child under 5 is entitled to FREE school milk. If your child is in F2 or Key Stage 1, and is over 5, they are entitled to subsidised milk at a small cost of 28p per day.

To enable your child to have milk in school, you must register with our provider - Cool Milk. You can do this in 2 easy ways:

  1. Go online and register at -

  2. Contact the school office for a form to complete and send to FREEPOST COOL MILK.