School Council

School Council is the voice of the pupils at Prenton Primary School. Each September a girl and a boy from each class, from year 2 to year 5, are elected as school council members for that school year. The school council members are also the Eco-team and the Rotakids team.

Meetings are held at least once per half term and the council will discuss any relevant issues that have ranged from playground games, to choices on the lunch menu to choosing new magazines for the library. In their role as the Eco-team, they have recently carried out energy audits, made posters to encourage recycling, planted wild flowers at Walker Park and taken part in a battery recycling scheme so that our school can retain its Green Flag award.

After each meeting, councillors report back to their class on work done and often involve the class in surveys or discussions on what to do next. Each class has the option to suggest ideas that can be discussed at the end of each meeting.

If you’d like to be involved and you would like to represent your class, in September, you can put your name forward to become involved in the class vote to be a school councillor!

The council is led by the head boy and girl from year 6, who chair the meetings and record the minutes of the meeting. They are ably assisted by the deputy head boy and girl (year 6) and the two pupil panel members (year 5 and 6).